When your marketing dollars are low you have to get the most return you can on any investment, personalized promo items can be the inexpensive option you are searching for. Getting the most bang for your buck is so important when you are launching a campaign and some of the options out there are just cost prohibitive and risky. Many businesses have found a great deal of success when they used personalized promotional products because they are relatively inexpensive and can reach a wide audience with very little effort.
Basket by the Register
Marketing pushes do not have to be done on a grand scale to be effective as a matter of fact some of the best marketing pushes are done on a very small scale and get pretty large results but they all depend on the right products to make them a success. Here are a few tricks of the trade that you can try to really improve your results without really breaking the bank:
Put a basket by the register is a retail shop that has personalized pens, keychains, keychain flashlights or other trinkets that have been personalized and that can “travel” with your current customers to reach new customers.
Offer a buy one get one type deal for any business and let the “free” item be a promotional product that has been customized with your logo. It is a quick easy way to get your brand/business out there and it is cost effective.
Hold a contest to get people interested in your business and give the promo products away to the winners.
There are so many ways to use these products to increase your exposure exponentially for a very low investment. Finding the right solutions for a tight budget is easy with dkspecialties.